lundi 2 février 2009

29 janvier jour de "rêve générale"

choses vues et entendues en cette première séance d'impakt pour sa nouvelle saison

you get so full of rage you just want to explode. what if you really can explode?
joe coleman

angélique bosio et bidhan jacobs face à la bourse à paris

i became a part of history. history is whoever gets to the typewriter first
nick zedd

david west (et gabriela trujillo) ouvrant impaKt

how do you feel strong enough, how do you feel secure enough – though i never felt weak or insecure – how do you sophisticate your rage enough to create something that is not simply a scream, another scream into the black hole of your imminent death
lydia lunch

carte blanche à philippe roizès

i want my fix of paradise and i want it fucking now man
i want paradise here
i want heaven on earth
and i’m not waiting until i fucking die because it doesn’t exist and that’s why the devil gave me this body
and the face of an angel
lydia lunch

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